Technical SEO

Technical SEO Services

Enhancing Your Website's Technical Performance and Visibility

Technical SEO plays a crucial role in optimizing websites to achieve better search engine rankings and improve user experience. As a technical SEO agency, we understand the significance of technical factors in driving organic traffic and ensuring that your website operates at its full potential.

What is Technical SEO?

Technical SEO focuses on optimizing the technical aspects of a website to enhance its crawlability, indexability, and overall performance in search engines. It involves fine-tuning the backend of your website to ensure that search engines can easily understand and access its content.

Technical SEO addresses various factors, including website speed, mobile-friendliness, site architecture, structured data, and much more.

Why is Technical SEO Important?

By addressing technical issues and optimizing various elements, our technical SEO services improve your website’s speed, user experience, and overall performance, leading to higher search engine rankings and increased organic traffic.

What are the Benefits of Technical SEO Services?

  • You can identify existing problems with your website that need addressing and resolving, that you may not previously have been aware of. 
  • As well as identifying issues existing on your website, a technical SEO expert will also be able to pinpoint potential gaps and opportunities for improvement. For example, a technical SEO specialist might find your competitors’ sites perform much faster than yours and be able to offer suitable solutions. 
  • By addressing these issues and ensuring a technically sound website that crawlers can easily access and index, you will be rewarded and see benefits for your business’s visibility in the search results. 
  • Improvements in visibility in search then lead to increased traffic generated to your website, which should have a positive impact on your business’ conversion rate and bottom line.

As you can see, there is a wide range of potential benefits for businesses investing in technical SEO services and working with reputable experts like the team at The SEO Works. 

Our Technical SEO Services

At our agency, we follow a comprehensive approach to conducting technical SEO for your website. Depending on your needs, the technical SEO services we offer include:

SEO Technical Audits

We begin by conducting a detailed technical SEO audit to identify any existing technical issues that may hinder your website’s performance. This involves analyzing the website’s structure, HTML code, internal linking, page load speed, mobile responsiveness, and other crucial aspects.

Crawlability and Indexability

We ensure that search engine crawlers can effectively crawl and index your website’s pages. This involves optimizing robots.txt files, and XML sitemaps, and resolving any issues that prevent search engines from accessing and indexing your site’s content.

Website Speed Optimization

Page load speed is a critical ranking factor that impacts user experience. We analyze and optimize various elements that affect website speed, such as image optimization, caching, minification of CSS and JavaScript files, and leveraging content delivery networks (CDNs).

Website Migrations

Website migrations can be a complex process, and maintaining your website’s visibility and rankings during this transition is critical. Our technical SEO experts can help to ensure a smooth and successful website migration. As an experienced technical SEO agency, we specialize in handling website migrations with a focus on technical SEO.

Mobile Optimization

With mobile devices accounting for a significant portion of internet traffic and Google using mobile-first indexing, mobile optimization is paramount. Our technical SEO experts can help to ensure your website is mobile-friendly, utilizing responsive design and optimizing for mobile page speed.

Site Architecture and Internal Linking

Your website’s structure and internal linking is crucial to enhance user navigation and search engine understanding. Our technical SEO specialists can help to improve your site’s structure, including improving URL structure, implementing breadcrumb navigation, and creating a logical hierarchy for content organization.

Structured Data Implementation

We implement structured data markup using standards to provide search engines with additional context about your website’s content. This can result in rich snippets and enhanced visibility in search engine results, which help your site to compete for clicks among competitors.

Google Penalty Recovery

Receiving a penalty from Google can significantly impact your website’s visibility and rankings in search results. Recovering from a penalty requires a strategic and comprehensive approach to address the underlying issues and comply with Google’s guidelines. As a technical SEO agency experienced in penalty recovery, we specialize in technical SEO strategies to help your website regain its lost visibility.

Technical Error Resolution

We identify, prioritize, and rectify technical errors such as broken links, 404 errors, duplicate content, and server issues that may negatively impact your website’s performance and rankings.

Analytics and Reporting

Our technical SEO services don’t stop at identifying your issues and providing recommendations, we understand the importance of keeping you informed of the progress and impact that our work is having. Our transparent communication and monthly reporting process is designed to provide you with clear insights, in-depth analysis and understanding of the work being carried out and the impact it is having on your business. This way, you can easily pinpoint your return on investment (ROI).

Core Web Vitals 

Google’s Core Web Vitals (CWVs) are now an integral aspect of Google’s ranking algorithm and place a strong emphasis on the overall experience of a website, and user experience can now heavily influence your SEO performance and visibility. Our technical SEO experts are well-versed and experienced in helping our clients to identify issues affecting their CWV scores and improving these over time. We carry out thorough assessments of your CWVs and overall website experience, as well as actionable insights and recommendations for developers to implement that will improve your user journey and therefore visibility.

Competitor Technical Analysis 

Alongside carrying out technical SEO audits, we can also review your business’ top competitors and analyze their strengths and weaknesses to identify opportunities for you to outperform them in the search results pages. Not only that, but competitor technical reviews help to provide an industry benchmark for us to work towards and overcome, to ensure your website performs in line with and above your key competitors. 

Industries Our Technical SEO Agency Serves

Our technical SEO specialists have worked with businesses in a huge range of industries and sectors, and understand the specific challenges and requirements that are presented. We know how to adapt technical SEO strategies to offer bespoke and tailored solutions for our clients’ niches. 

Some of the industries we’ve worked with for technical SEO services include:

  • E-commerce and retail
  • Healthcare and medical
  • Legal services
  • Real estate
  • Education
  • Hospitality and tourism
  • Financial services
  • Manufacturing and industrial
  • Automotive
  • Entertainment
  • Music

No matter your business’ industry, our team starts every technical SEO campaign with a deep dive into your niche, goals, and offering. This means we can tailor our services accordingly and ensure you see an ROI. 

Why Choose Technical SEO Services from The SEO Works?

Technical SEO is a crucial component of your website’s success in search engine rankings and user experience. By choosing our technical SEO agency, you gain access to our expertise, tailored approach, and a comprehensive range of technical SEO services.

  • Our agency consists of experienced technical SEO specialists. We stay updated with the latest industry trends and search engine algorithms to provide you with cutting-edge technical SEO strategies.
  • We understand that each website has unique technical requirements, so we develop customized technical SEO strategies based on a thorough analysis of your website, ensuring that our efforts are tailored to meet your specific needs.
  • Our technical SEO agency not only focuses on immediate technical SEO needs but also ensures your website remains optimized for the future. We implement sustainable strategies that follow best practices and adapt to evolving search engine algorithms.

Speak to Our Team of Technical SEO Experts

Whatever the issue affecting your website… we’ve seen it and know the best strategy to resolve it and grow your visibility. If you would like to learn more about our Technical SEO Services and what the team at The SEO Works can do for you, then take a few minutes of your time and contact us today for a preliminary chat. 

Technical SEO FAQs

Will you perform a technical audit of my website?

Yes, all our campaigns are kicked off with an in-depth technical SEO audit, which reviews the site for a comprehensive range of potential issues and optimization opportunities. These are manual audits undertaken by an experienced technical SEO specialist, supported by enterprise-level technical software. Our technical SEO audits include looking at crawlability, indexing and caching, site speed, accessibility, mobile responsiveness, user experience and more. Our audits identify these issues and prioritize them, so there is a clear plan to follow for your technical SEO campaign. 

Will you provide ongoing technical SEO support?

Yes, when working with our technical SEO agency, you will have your own dedicated Account Manager who will be on hand to provide support and advice throughout your campaign. You will be kept informed on your strategy and the work being carried out at every stage of your campaign and receive regular updates in addition to comprehensive monthly reports. 

Technical SEO often requires our teams to work with you and your developers to ensure issues identified are resolved as quickly and as effectively as possible, which requires ongoing and transparent communication. 

How long does it take to see results from technical SEO?

The timeline for seeing results from technical SEO efforts varies greatly depending on a range of factors, such as the size of your website, the complexity, and volume of existing issues that need addressing, and your business goals and objectives. 

We don’t provide our clients with specific timelines for results as this would be untrustworthy, however generally you should be aware that technical SEO is a long-term strategy that can take between a few weeks and a few months to see results and impact. 

Can you provide technical SEO case studies of clients you have worked with?

Yes, our technical SEO agency has a wide array of success stories to share with you. We have helped clients in a range of industries to improve the technical standing of their sites and in turn their visibility in search engines. You can view some of our technical SEO case studies on our website, however if you are looking to see one in a particular industry or niche similar to yours, please do get in touch and we can share our work with you.